DIME , A Money Gambling or Devotion to God?

What is really the Dime that Christ has suggested we give to God? If we were not kept in the dark, many would now be dealing with the real task they should be doing without fear of living as their hearts dictate. Instead of asking others to engage in more superstitious acts than the pagans, such as: penance, fasting, night watches and many of these things, while all of this is still associated with money, which are all ascetic means of approaching God.

Everyone cannot or does not need to do the same to please God.

The world is shaped by diversities, because God the Creator, the Omni all, is satisfied with it and so wills it. So, do not try to change it, but change yourselves in it.


The Dime represents; 10% of our time (150 minutes a day) that we should devote to God in the early hours of the day. Before doing anything else. Which is: (Our meditation) 60 seconds is not enough. NB. The day has a point of beginning and finishing. The night is made for other things than prayer. John 9: 4, John 9: 5 and John 14:31 will enlighten you.

Thanks to this given time, at no time during the day, no other prayer involving our tongue or any word is necessary because we would already be connected to God who would take control of the day for us. (His will be done)
Offering the Dime to God means: reconnecting within ourselves, repeating His Name if we know it, as there are very few people who have been marked by God and sent to the Real Spiritual Guide, the Good Shepherd of our time who knows and gives the name to those marked sheep by baptism, anointing, or initiation,
Who really knows this Name? See below
Ps. 23: 3
Jn. 17: 6

It’s actually our password for the inner sanctum that no one else should know except oneself. We will then realize Him in ourselves, providing that our body is treated and considered as His home, to a lesser extent, but His Temple or Church would be more appropriate, depending on how we treat this body. This can only happen when we realize that the true purpose of our life on earth is to make our body His sanctuary.
“A holy spirit in a holy body.”
With such a disposition, the rest of the day would be lived with joy, contentment and peace.
It is not up to us to decide whether we should devote a full day or not to this more than legal prescription which should be scrupulously respected, consisting of going to the rendezvous each morning to meet the Beloved who is waiting to see and to open his present with us, which contains the whole package of blessings for this day.

That’s the Dime.

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