Science and Knowledge

April 1

Science can be divided into an infinite number of disciplines, and the amount of knowledge that can be pursued in each discipline is limitless. The most critical piece of knowledge, then, is the knowledge of what is essential to learn and what it isn’t.

A huge amount of knowledge is accumulated at present. Soon our abilities will be too weak, and our lives too short, to study this knowledge. We have vast treasure of knowledge at our disposal but after we study them, we often do not use them at all. It would be better not to have this burden, this unnecessary knowledge, which we do not really need.

Immanuel Kant

Too voracious reading, began at too early an age, fills our mind with undigested material. Our memory can become the matter of our feelings and our fate; and when it does, an intellectual effort is required to enforce our feeling with primeval innocence, to find ourselves amidst the dusty heaps of foreign thoughts and viewpoints, in order to start feeling by ourselves, and I am ready to say- in order to live on our own.

George Lichtenberg

Beware of false knowledge. All evil comes from it.
Knowledge is limitless, therefore, there is a miniscule difference between those who know a lot and those who know very little.

Colander of wisdom

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