
For Marketing purpose,

Here Is  how a wealthy person understands the existence, Is it common to all Well to do people?

Because he has money and material goods, he believes he has the right to judge the whole planet, not knowing that it is a privilege granted to very few people.

He cannot meet my agreement with such a statement, because I do not think that having a lot of money is the essence of life.

People of the middle class whom he displays a contempt, of which I am proud to be part, are working very hard to try to lead a decent existence in a world practically shaped by wealthy people like him. We are doing our best to remain honest and not to be part of the problems, but having set good objectives and disciplines to behave like good citizens, good parents, good sons and good daughters, cannot under any circumstance support These purely materialistic ideas.

We have seen how the wealthy  behave, forming a different class in society whose fate should not be envied. They are inclined to do anything, disrespectful of laws and having faith only in the ephemeral luxury of the world. The word morality in vain to them, so, they cannot put it into practice in their lives.

Consequently, he is not in a position to teach any lesson to people. He is not even a good marketer for, he uses an unattractive language, what a pity.

He spoke of books, of reading, not knowing that it is also a great privilege  that his society has chosen to grant to very few, he prove not to have made good use of this advantage.

However, he is right to mention the amount of time spent watching television, films that are produced by rich people like him. The product of what their readings have retransmitted to corrupt the minds of modest people. Not only that they managed to transfer their bad morals, but, they became richer at their expense, calling them consumers. It is to believed that we have broken the physical chain of our feet, to attach it virtually to our mind.

For his guidance, I reproduce below, partially though, a text that might give him the taste to start reading good books and enlighten him on the other facets of  life in  the human world. Thus, he will be able to begin to understand his privilege and how to keep it while respecting the other aspects and conditions of life that he lacked.

Reading the full text can be done on: centrebouddhisteparis.org

Although there is a representation of this wheel or tree of life in all cultures which meaning is not different but cultural understanding. I chose the illustration below which is more familiar to Westerners.

See the source image

Below is a more complete illustration by the Tibetans (do not be afraid), after the full reading of the text, you will have a better understanding or knowledge of how  human existence is shaped.

Conditionality is not always of the same type. There are two great orders of conditionality at work in the universe and in human life. One can call the first the cyclic or reactive order, and the second the spiral or progressive order. In the cyclical order of conditionality, there is a process of action and reaction between pairs of opposite factors, such as pleasure and pain, happiness and misery, loss and gain, and, in the broader context of a series of existences, birth and death. In the spiral order, on the other hand, there is a gradual progression, like the one found between factors that increase each other. Here, the successor factor increases the effect of the above factor, rather than counters it or cancels it. For example, it is not pain but happiness that appears in the dependence of pleasure; it is not misfortune but joy that appears in dependence of happiness; in dependence of joy appear the Rapture, then bliss, then ecstasy.

Responsive mind and creative spirit.

In the life of the individual human being, these two orders of conditionality are reflected in two different kinds of spirit: the responsive spirit and the creative spirit. This is not to say that there are literally two minds, but rather that there are two different modes in which the single mind can function. We can function either reactively or creatively. Working reactively means “reacting”, which is not at all acting. Reacting means being essentially passive. It means automatically responding to any stimulus that comes to us. On the other hand, working creatively means “to act”, to be originally, to reveal something that was not there before, whether it is a work of art or a high state of consciousness. Function reactively means to be mechanical; working creatively means being spontaneous. When we are reactive, we repeat ourselves incessantly. We repeat the good old pattern of our lives: we do today what we did yesterday, we do this week what we did last week, we do this year what we did last year, we do this decade this That we did last decade; If, even, you extend the context, we do in this life exactly what we have done in all our previous lives. But when we are creative, we change and develop: We become new men and women.

Personal development is therefore based on the order of progressive conditionality. Developing personally means ceasing to live reactively and learning to live creatively. This, of course, is not at all easy. This requires, in particular, an awareness of the two kinds of conditionality, not as abstract principles but as a concrete alternative that really faces us. After all, as an alternative, they do not face us only once or twice in our lives, but in fact every minute of the day, because it is in fact every minute of the day that we have to choose between reacting and creating. Suppose, for example, that someone speaks to us in a very unlovable way. We can either react, feel touched or get angry, or we can respond creatively, trying to understand what happened (looking for example to understand why she spoke so), trying to sympathize, or At least trying to be patient. If we react we will remain as we are, or even regress, but if we create we shall take a step forward in our personal development.

My understanding of life is that; It is a package that includes everything, including money and material goods that will have to be used well so that they do not become the primary goal of our existence because, the spiritual being that we are, will imminent leave everything behind us

To be fully aware of the Divine light that animates every man, whether he is wealthy or deprived of material well-being, what is called in vain (poor or deprived of fate), is the true richness.

Bragging about being rich, instead of thanking God for such a favor, looking out the window, probably from a Penthouse, gives no right to anyone to insult other souls who perform individual tasks attributed by the creator Omniscient and Omnipresent who  himself is the inner self in order to experience his world in all its facets.

The difference that this man sees that should serve him as a matter of reflexion instead of bragging and beating his chest, has shown above all a lack of appreciation.
I don’t want to credit people for being atheists who would be blasphemous, but he showed his unbelievable ignorance of fate and destiny.
It is clear that he reads books only on finance and economics which take away all faculties of understanding that makes him so presumptuous, while other books that could have helped him to bend his arrogance and apprehend the true material wealth How fragile and transient from down there are surely left indifferent.

I do not think he would survive a year in the conditions where the so-called poor, because they did not inherit the same fate as him, when they believe themselves to be privileged without knowing by what circumstance competition he succeeded, for having received a Burden that surely prevent him from sleeping and that makes him deficient in many other areas as we will see in the quotes below.

I hope for him that the adage that says: “The rich of today will become the poor of tomorrow ” is not verified.

He should begin to read some of the thoughts below that would help him to acquire some notions of humilités, so as not to miss the path that leads to real life, which this world is not even a shadow

In exchange, I am pleased to offer you the following quotes to not feel inadequate in your position in life.

Quotes about the rich and the poor.

The disappearance of the rich will not improve the lives of the poor.

Citation by Philippe Bouvard;

There is no poorer than a former wealthy person.

Citation by Philippe Bouvard;

There has to be a poor person to have a rich man.

Quote from Gabriel Sénac de Meilhan;

The rich is now the one with the greatest number of poor objects.

Quotation from Raoul Vaneigem;

The rich should take the initiative of stripping everything in order to spread the spirit of contentment.

Quote from Gandhi;

If the poor can put his sleep to the dream, the rich man can use his insomnia to make plans.

Quote from Frédéric Dard;

The rich feared the poor; the poor must fear even the rich’s charity.

Quote from Edmond Brendan;

Contentment makes the poor rich, and vice versa.

Quote from Benjamin Franklin;

I’m not a new rich guy, I’m a poor old man.

Quote from Coluche

God said we must share: the rich will have food, the poor will have appetite.

Quote from Rich Coluche

without humanity, if times are hard and bad, for who are they? Is it for you who, in all times, never miss anything, or for the poor, who almost always lacks everything, and who is all the more to complain, that times are more unhappy? Does not all rigor fall back on him, who alone is the victim? And since there are a large number of people in need, do you not have to do more than ever do your largesse? Is it not in the time of calamity that the obligation of the precept being more express, you must save, household, entrenched even, to be in a state to give more?

Citation by Jean Baptiste Blanchard; The maxims of the Honest Man (1772)

We meet poor people who look so happy that we would rather be tempted to give alms to some rich people.

Quote from: Adolphe Houdetot

Let us keep impoverishing a rich and enrich a poor: we would make two unhappy.

Quote from: Adolphe Houdetot

problem: How much poor does it take to make a rich?

Quote from Robert Sabatier

Will fortune never come both hands full? Will she ever make a gift that she does not atone for a setback? Sometimes it gives the man appetite, and refuses the food, it is the fate of the poor in health; sometimes she places him in the midst of a feast and removes her desire, it is the fate of the rich who possesses abundance and does not enjoy it.

William Shakespeare’s

Quote the rest, opulence, and all the benefits for the rich; For the poor, fatigue, misery, and a pit at the end. Quote from Felicity Robert de Lamennais

Who does not know how to be poor could not be rich. Quote from Mademoiselle de Sommery:

Rich, we make friends; poor, we find some. Quotation from Jean-Napoléon Vernier:

The fortune resulting from the difference between expenditure and income, the wealthy cash more readily than they disburse. It is even this peculiarity that they recognize themselves from the poor, who have no credit to hope for.

Quote from Philippe Bouvard

The rich want to be more and more wealthy, the poor have stopped accepting poverty, hence the discomfort.

Quote from Philippe Bouvard:

Having seen a lot and having nothing is having rich eyes and poor hands.

Quote from William Shakespeare:

the poor who borrows to support the necessities of life, passes for rascal if he cannot repay, and one makes thanks to the wealthy who does not pay his debts whatever he can afford it! What an injustice!

Quote from: Axel Oxenstierna:

It is the hell of the poor that is made the paradise of the rich. Quote from Victor Hugo:

The hearse of the rich, where the void carries it, seldom has the cries of the poor for escort.

Quote from Louis Belmont:

And the poor will always be poor, we now only give to the rich.

Quote from Martial


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