What one should know about Christmas

Merry Christmas or happy birth!

What an inspiration!

You might say, these are only words!

A music, a song, lyrics that continue throughout time to raise the hearts.

In each period, this song comes to remind us of our responsibility, by our sincere prayers, our fervent meditations, regardless of our religious trends, in order to arrive at our Christmas or spiritual birth, when we will pass the desert of our body and reaching the celestial Jerusalem to build the temple the dwelling of our soul, its real home. This is part of our development in the human body during our pilgrimage as a spiritual being coming the school of the physical world, to learn to love our Lord, the Creator of the universe.

To understand this wonderful song, and capture the meaning of Jerusalem namely, (the Holy City), which is not in the outside world, but within us who are in the world. Here is where you will find the explanation in the wonderful book (the Bible), but , one must first get out of the literal meaning not go astray.

The Bible!

Many said they found contradictions in this book, Yes, they are right, because it is a small book with several dimensions that will not let anyone penetrate and manipulate it as they pleased.

You can get a PhD in theology and not being able to see clearly in it, because, “One cannot learn to be wise, one becomes wise.” Much ink will continue to flow to try to understand it. Without a spiritual transport, that allows one to transcend oneself, we will continue to create physical and dialectic wars and even continue to shed blood.

Antonin Artaud said: “Do not murder the audience with the transcendent cosmic concerns.”

Hoping that I am not throwing pearls before swine by providing these clarifications, some people I know will look for justifications or excuses and qualify all this in a pejorative way; qualifying this of esoteric, mystical point of view or any other name, just to continue to have a stranglehold on subjects because this exceeds their scope of comprehension, consequently, they will continue to keep people in the darkness of ignorance.

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