Vegetarianism and its benefits, a look in the Bible

Isn’t it encouraging?

Following this recent photo that I sent to a nephew, the son of my little brother, he told me how I had stayed young compared to my younger brother of 4 years younger, his father.

I explained to him why, while going deeper on the subject. Since my goal is to continue re-education through instruction, my current dedication through this website.

I explained to him that:
With my vegetarian diet, my cells don’t die as often as those who eat Animal flesh as meat. Although scientifically, it is proven that; the cells die daily to reproduce every day. By reproducing each day, they unfortunately do not fulfil the same task as those they would have replaced, being weaker, hence the early ageing of men today. After millennia in this practice away from vegetarian food, the organ in man that served the process of good digestion of healthy foods, which should have kept the cells healthier too, and for a long time, have become atrophied and reduced in what we call today; the appendix, with no proper function now in the body, it only stores some residues that escape the control of the intestines, and when it is too full as there is no means of emptying itself either through urine, excrement or the blood, but only causes infection that becomes a serious problem, as this can degenerate into cancer, which often requires surgery, and again, if it is  removed time.

         Unfortunately, this organ will no longer be regenerated, even if the vegetarian diet was adopted since childhood.

That is why, Men before the flood time lived up to a thousand years and did not need to reincarnate to the required perfection. “Be you perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect), the very aim of human being. They had then enough time to achieve this very goal.
This is the reason why reincarnation is not clearly explained in this biblical portion.

         After the flood, when Noah and his sons, came out of the Ark, they had asked the Lord, by offering through the Holocaust that they had done to him, the permission to eat  animal flesh, because they had tasted it in the ark, when they run out of food.

A mischievous little translator who is surely more omniscient than the Lord, in his translation wrote that:
The Lord felt a pleasant smell, and the Lord said in his heart:

“I no longer will curse the Earth, because of man, because the thoughts of the heart of Man are evil from his youth; and I will no longer strike all that is alive, as I have done.” Genesis 9:21
A rather ambiguous verse that made the smell of the barbecue pleasant to the nostrils of the Lord as a human, but also, he was able to fathom the heart of the Lord to know what he was saying.

But we saw that the reaction of the Lord was not so favorable.
But, man in his stubbornness to continue to get lost, took the above-quoted verse for granted.
For, if the smell of the barbecue was really pleasing to the Lord, why he had to utter the following convictions to men?
“As long as the earth remains, sowing and harvesting, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will not cease.” By condemning man to live only one hundred and twenty years at a time, at the best case. “
Genesis 9:22

        Yet another clarification to illuminate some lanterns, why after the refusal by the Lord Eternal, did the sons of Noah have to resort to another Merciful Lord God?
How to compare this merciful God with the Lord Eternal who often ignited himself in anger, who condemned and afflicted punishments?
While this Lord God as we will see throughout the Bible, bless and do all that is merciful.
         To tell the truth, the Lord Eternal always stands out from him, he never substituted himself for this god except that our religious instructors indiscriminately, never sees the difference and respect for this hierarchical aspect that exists in the scriptures.

In Job 1:6-9, we will see that the Lord described job as his servant fearing God. He did not say that he was himself God as we do excessively.

Do you see where I am coming?

Again, in Exodus.

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