We all long for these three words, don’t we?

How to find them and how to use them?

I have often spoken out against prayer, because I only see meaningless rituals, since they come from the mouth through the intellect without the heart being there.

Jesus said, “Ask the mountain to move, and it will move.” »

This shows the great power we are endowed with, but why would you want to move a mountain? Without the well-being of humanity at will ? We will never succeed.

“Peace on earth to men of good will”

The philosopher who said:

“He who wants peace must make war” would be correct if it were not taken in terms of wisdom, in contrast to the Bible which only concerned is with the evolution of the soul.

War in this sense means: to find the right balance in everything.

May the divine Light that animates us be able to illuminate our entire body.

Have we cultivated this goodwill as human beings?

I don’t think so, otherwise we wouldn’t always be fighting for no reason.

We see enemies everywhere and in everything, because we mostly follow our negative side the (Abel tendencies) of this bipolarized body which animates an entity of light that animates a material body.

Life is the light of men, of all men, including the statics animals.

In the following composition, a formula that Father Julio concocted in his book: The Great Wonderful Secrets. (Approach prohibited by Christian orthodoxy) that he left us as a legacy:

A Formula for finding PEACE in the world, while helping us cultivate the goodwill we lacked.

By reading this text, we will see that the word (right) is often repeated, this, to depolarize us.

In these times of calamity, many began to speculate and make new predictions, predictions about the misfortunes that would befall us.

Predictions that had already been announced for a long time, not to scare us, but so that we could get to work finding the divine within us.

It would have been wiser to try to find ways to counteract human follies, to not sink into the technological and scientific chaos, which the wise had foreseen and given us the means to escape from, by encouraging us to use our knowledge in order to ennoble the scientific feats that they knew were imminent, to highlight the spiritual side so as not to lose our lucidity when certain mysteries were to be revealed.

Without going any further, the Bible which is said to be incomplete fortunately contains all the predictions as we will see throughout this explanation, but also the formula; how to correct all human excesses, by putting a little good will into it, by combining scientific and technological knowledge to harmonize them.

How is it that musicians, virtuosos of their instruments, were able to agree to rely on a Master, (Maestro), in order to showcase their works for the benefit of humanity.

The wise Solomon warned: “The more you increase your knowledge, the more you increase your pain. »

So why do scientists get along and perform physical wonders, which took a lot of effort, despite the damage caused in some cases, to get us to where we are, where we are spiritually behind, leaving man at the stage of infancy, even if we are spiritual beings who have come to have a material experience? A play that the Creator of the universe has created to tests himself through droplets of himself.

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