
Since yesterday I had prepared a text on LIFE and waited as always for another message from God to arrive before publishing it.

And behold, “Who knows how to wait, time opens the doors.” Ibn Arabi.

“Dreaming is happiness, waiting is life.”
Victor Hugo


not available yet in English

Q-What is the greatest drama of human existence?


Q-Where do we come from?

A-From the heavens

Q-Who are we?

A-Souls (Little Divine Drops)

Q-What did we come here to look for?

A- We came to school

To do what?

A-To play a role

What’s the name of the play?


Q-How do we know what role we should play in the play?
Q-Can one choose his role?
Q-If not, who distributes the roles?

A-The roles are distributed at first by the Creator, based on the talent He had deposited in each.

Q-What is death?

A- That’s when you have to get out of one scene and play another.
Then, the décor, the clothes, the situations, the places change too.

Q-Where is God in all this? What does he want?
He is the Creator of the play called LIFE. He wants to express himself in his world through each individual, that is why we should not worry about anything, even if the role is hard or sad, He is the One who feels it.

So, what’s the problem?

Not being well warned by the stage managers how we must play, or that we do not obey them, then we express our dissatisfaction and discontents.
Since the world in which this play takes place is not uniform, and it is necessary to manage two aspects on the scene ; day and night, good and evil, good and bad, pairs and opposites, the Creator has given full power to two directors.

A Positive Power to manage what happens during the day called Dayal and the Negative Power for what happens at night. His name is Kal.
It is the yin and yang ☯️ of the Chinese, which illustrates all this.
An alternation in which every power is present. In the Yin there is the eye of the Yang and in the Yan, there is the eye of Yin.
In the great theatre of the world, everyone is an actor and a spectator.
An Oscar of the same importance awaits everyone at the end, regardless of the roles one had in the play.
King, Queen, Rich, Poor,
Beggar, Thief, Assassin, Criminal. Etc.

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