THE LORD’S PRAYER, an Introduction of The Third Chakras in human body,

“The Lord’s Prayer is the petition of the soul, incorporated in a human body, praying to the Lord, the Father of Creation and pleading that the mind, the wayward senses and the emotions be brought
in line with God’s Will and Decree.

Reliable authority claims to have found a similar prayer in the old Talmud, in which the arrangement of the pleas was the same, for the fulfillment of the Lord God Jehovah’s Will in all the centers or sephiras of the body that they may be lifted up by His Spirit. The Psalmist of old expressed that idea clearly when he stated:

  1. “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. battle.
  2. “Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.
  3. “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
  4. “Who is’ this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.” (PSALM 24)

No. 7 of course has reference to lifting up or set ting right side up of the inner centers, within ourselves, so the King of glory may come in.

In verse No. 10, the Psalmist calls the Holy Shabd the King of glory and the LORD of hosts. The Holy Shabd or the Verb is the Sound which comes from heaven above all and is bestowed by the King of Glory when your attention and centers are facing in His direction to receive Him. As the leaves of the trees hang down and shed rain, so do the awakened centers on the individual tree of life, and waste the higher energies of the Lord God Creator. But the awakened centers, doors or gates raise their petals upward, like hands in petition, to receive and hold the bounty of the Lord’s Nectar.

Therefore, this is a prayer to the Holy Will and Spirit of Jehovah-called the Holy Ghost in the New  Testament–to descend and fill the souls cups or centers of life with His Spiritual Bounty, “until the cups runneth over” (Ps. 23 :5). The censors the sweet fragrance of frankincense and myrrh, as in the churches, are definitely symbolic of the awaken centers within the spiritual devotees. As long as our attention runs downward and outward in material pursuits and pleasures, it is not possible to hold and make proper use of the Divine Nectar from above. But when the centers are awakened through uplifting devotion, the Divine Energy is not wasted and we become filled with it.

Our Father which art in Heaven” is the beginning of all beginnings, as the Creator and Giver of all. Saviors and prophets called the Lord who sent them into this world to do His work, their Father. Jesus stated:

“The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things so ever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” JOHN 5:19)

The Hebrew word for heaven is Shomaim and literally means lifted up. In the cosmos, this would be the finer energy realm above the physical creation. In the individual man, it constitutes Kether the crown of creation, the uppermost portion of the brain called the cerebrum. Here all the spiritual faculties are located, like in a vault, or a well upside down. From this, the higher energies flow down into the body, the temple of God. The Tabernacle in the wilderness and the Kabbalistic tree of life were also arranged in this order.

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