THE LORD’S PRAYER, an Introduction of The Third Chakras in human body,

The great and fearless Saint, Paltu Sahib, described this whole spiritual process most beautifully under the title: “An Inverted Well is There Above” (see poem at the end). The everlasting light or vigil light, used in some churches, symbolizes this inner eternal flame. The flame inside the human being is also the new name written in the forehead of the redeemed as mentioned in Revelations. Its reflection is in the human heart as the tables of the living law, written by the finger of God. This again establishes a closer unity between the writings of the Old Testament and the New, and the clear teachings of the modern Saints. God’s Essence is Truth and Love as One which flows through the central core to support and sustain all creation. Happy are His children who find this direct way of liberation, out from the heart of all things.

“Hallowed be thy Name”: The sacred Name of God is His Word, His Holy Sound Current as Divine Energy and Music. It is His Holy Spirit which sustains all things. This is the true River of Life which flows from the eternal throne as God’s breath of life and emanation. It is the Holy Shabd or Word, according to all Saints. The Greeks called it the ‘Logos’, as the final reason for creation. The soul is trying to tune into that Eternal Sound Current by reverence and devotional attention inside, and can do so after the Saint or Savior has linked the soul to it.

“Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” The kingdom of the Lord is His Holy Sound Current as His Will in earth. The devotee prays this be in him also, in all the regions of his earthiness below his eyebrows, to direct him in every thought, word and deed.

“Give us this day our daily bread.” This is really a prayer for Spiritual Nectar, the Manna from heaven Gr as symbolized by the showbreads in the temple. The Hebrew word Bethlehem means the house of bread. In the human body this is the region called the solar plexus. It is the fiery power of digestion by which the body lives; so also the spirit or soul lives by His Nectar. The effort is to unify the inner, and the outer life energies as spiritual and physical through the one current through then one current of his holly will or Shabd, the Word. Jesus was from Bethlehem, the symbol of Manna or Nectar of Truth from heaven. The consciousness has now descended to the Manipura chakra, for which unity is pleaded in order to carry out His will in all earthly deeds, made possible by Spiritual and earthly food.

“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”

Since all things flow out of the Eternal Sound Current, we should realize our indebtedness to God for all supplies and deal likewise with other souls in our daily conduct, in order to remain tuned into this current of Forgiveness and constant blessings of the Almighty as an ever-flowing stream of Reality.

Verse 12 as well as 14 and 15 bring out the very law of Forgiveness. As we forgive others through love, so are we forgiven, by Love alone. If our hearts are hardened by our own self-righteousness, then we live in that mind pattern and are ensnared by it. The sinner may have repented many times and obtained forgiveness by doing better or even by sincerely trying to do better and continuing to do so. In other words, he becomes humble by realizing his weaknesses and endeavoring to overcome them through love and the grace of the Lord. While all this time the self-righteous
person dwells on his merit on the one hand while remaining utterly unconscious of his weaknesses; so the energies are wasted first in pride and secondly in continuing with the faults which he fails to see in himself. Mat. 5:25, 26 as well as Mat. 6: 14, 15 are good illustrations of this law which is stated very briefly in verse 12.

Attention or consciousness is the power by which the soul is bound, high or low, wherever its energy currents come to rest or dwell. It takes more understanding, faith and hope to hitch it to a star than to the mediocre, worthless things for which we have to suffer because of self-interest and ego.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”

Here, the plea is for the physical creative energy of the Brahma Chakra to remain in tune with the Divine Purpose and plan of creation. The soul prays for strength to remain firm in the concentration of the inner Sound Current of Shabd, not to be led astray by the temptation of the senses and their plea for enjoyment. God tempts no one. He furnishes all things for man to choose from, so man can ultimately learn his own lessons through choice and suffering as paths of actions and reactions, called Karma in the language of the Saints. “For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” 25 (Gal. 6:7)


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