The Brain, What is it? How does it work?

The Brain, what is it?

Philosophical and scientific consideration vs. a mystical consideration, it is up to you to choose the true knowledge.

In this video emphasis is put on scientific aspects of the brain.
The explanation below is easier to understand by someone whom, the scientific data as reported in the video above will have no impact, because, too complicated.

Click on the following link to read the explanations.

Comment notre cerveau influence notre

Translation of the above link.

How our brain influences our personality

The types of personalities associated with each quadran
Since each area of ​​the brain corresponds to a particular use of the information, then it is obvious that each of the quadrans of the Hermann model corresponds to a particular type of personality.

We will find in the yellow quadrant the so-called “strategist” who likes to imagine, to design scenarios and to experiment with things. Most of them are business leaders. Indeed, most leaders like to take risks and have a long-term view of their company.
In the red quadrant, we will meet the “communicating” personalities. They need to express their emotions, to share and discuss with others. This is for example a facilitator in a ventilated center. These two personalities are dominantly right-brained, with a global treatment of information.
In the green quadrant we will find the so-called “cautious” individuals, who need to control the information received by categorizing them, using tools or establishing procedures. They are people who keep control of their emotions, unlike the communicator who expresses them. We will find here a lot of accountants or quality managers for example.
The blue quadrant brings together so-called “rational” personalities that process information by analyzing and comparing it with the information in their existing database. They are very logical, critical and like to manipulate numbers. The majority of CFOs will be in this category. These two personalities are predominantly left-brained, with a developed sense of detail.
How to detect someone’s brain preference?
As I said in the article “What is your brain preference? Is also a tool that can quickly identify someone’s personality. Take the example of this photo below. Body language (or non-verbal language) is a very good indicator of the type of quadrants to which these two interlocutors belong.

On our right we have a discussion-prone personality, who seems to like to communicate and express his emotions (red quadrant) and could possibly belong to the right brain. In this specific situation, we can assume that this is a business executive who receives an employee: so there is a good chance that he also belongs to the yellow quadrant, given his gestures.
On the left, we are dealing with a personality in the control of his emotions (green quadrant) and whose facial expression indicates an increased reflection related to the cortical brain. Knowing that it is very rare that the same individual belongs to diametrically opposite quadrants, there is little chance that he belongs to the right cortical quadrant. We can assume that it corresponds to the blue quadrant as well (left cortical).
As you can see, a quick analysis of an individual’s verbal and nonverbal communication can tell us a great deal about how he or she processes the information.
Conclusion: If we learn about ourselves and those around us, it will be easier for us all to communicate with calm and harmony.

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