The Brain, What is it? How does it work?

The key word in this thought of Aivanhov is consciousness or higher self.
Since the human race consists of 36 prototypes of men, three in each of the 12 dwellings of the body the temple where the consciousness resides, where the brain is solicited as a dashboard for its operations. Following Hermann’s reasoning, when he says how each individual works in the four regions of the brain:
By entering the mind into the game, it passes quite beside, because the mind that was to be subordinated to consciousness, has been reduced in the State of servitude of the senses, because of these speculative approaches of people like Hermann, hence, the stress that generates all sorts of discomforts as is also mentioned in the above video, which is due to the corruptions imposed by the society that does not respect the individuality which is mainly spiritual.
The physical body only expresses the psychic activities that is the archive of consciousness, which the brain records in the mind, which is like Compact Disk that gradually distils the information dependent on the capacity and the need of a given individual, to be executed faithfully by the senses.
Given the logical approach, which often establishes itself in authority according to the needs of society, therefore, the mind records erroneous information, since involuntarily programmed, this is where fear settles and the resulting stresses are degenerated in all sorts of illnesses.
Just as much as philosophy and science do not distinguish between mind and spirit, they will always get lost in speculation.

Following my argument on the brain, here is to corroborate my thesis.
Just as much as philosophy and science do not distinguish between mind and spirit, they will always get lost in speculation.
Agency is an illusion.
Much less certain, the answer to a question that arouses an endless philosophical and scientific debate is much less certain: does the mind, and the human mind in particular, stand outside these chains of cause and effect? In other words,
Is Homo-sapiens the only entity in the physical universe capable of voluntarily provoking an action totally independent of any previous effect?
Mysticism responds: “no, not at all. The cause and effect determines the human behavior, as well as all other activities of the universe. ” Many people find this hard to believe. For them, free will seems to exist, even if it is undoubtedly constrained by the free will of others.
To return to our previous example, I want to park my car in a particular space and you too.
One would think that each of us is free to want what he wants, but only one of us is able to fulfill that desire. Thus, the argument continues, freedom of action can be limited, but not freedom of will. It is a seductive notion, but mysticism says it contradicts a fundamental fact: the mind is mechanical and unconscious. As previously discussed, the human mind, or other, is as much a force of nature for spiritual science as gravity or electromagnetism. Only the spirit is conscious and therefore free.

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