The geniuses of the star called Nerig will throw themselves impetuously at the children of men, tear their flesh, shed their blood: they will be called skinners, priests, immolators.

However, then comes a messiah of another kind, dressed in fire, covered in fire, it is in the fire that he will do his wonders. His name will be Emounel, and he will call himself Jeschu the Vivifying: his abode will rise on fire; it will appear on a vehicle, stop in your midst, and say to you: Come, approach, the fire will not burn you. Don’t believe it! because its operations will only be fraud and prestige.That if he burns you, say immediately: Amen, meaning that you have no faith in Him, and that you will not be unfaithful to the word of your Lord, the very high King of light.

He will tell you again: I am God, son of God; my father sent me to you. He will add: I am the first of the apostles, I am Aebel Zivo, I come from up there. But beware of believing these words; it won’t be Aebel Zivo. Aebel! Zivo is not surrounded by fire; Aebel Zivo will not show up at this time.

However, the genius Anousch will come, who will travel through Jerusalem. But as water is the garment of clouds, so it is not with a real body, but only with the appearance of a body that it will appear. As for his soul, it will not remain susceptible to effervescence or emotion. He will come into the world under the reign of King Falturius. It is then, in fact, that the genius Anousch will appear: it is then that, filled with the virtue of the High King of light, he will come to heal the sick, open his eyes to the blind, purify the lepers, straighten the broken and crushed limbs, give back to the deaf and the silent the use of hearing and speech, giving life to the dead, making the Jews one people united by faith in his sacrament, showing them what it is that death and life, darkness and light, error and truth , and finally bring them back to the knowledge of the very high King of light.  (If you know your scriptures, I will let you guess who He is.) FR

As promised in (1), here is a complete presentation of Adam’s book, if you feel disturbed by the above story, y please excuse me and disregard until you are ready and fit to understand what  it is all about.

As follows:

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